Welcome to BetterWorld.coop’s first E-course! This online learning tool is a fun way to learn how co-ops operate, their economic impact, and what distinguishes them from other conventional businesses. Explore how co-ops fit into the global and national economic landscape and the beneficial impact they have on their local communities.
Are you a co-op employee, co-op member, or co-op leader, looking to better understand shared ownership and the benefits of your cooperative, this e-course is for you.
Are a consumer looking for information on what a cooperative is, how they operate, and ultimately what sets co-ops apart from other businesses, this e-course is for you.
Click the image below to begin your training.
Share your success – printable certificate available upon completion!
This E-course and its videos, documents and other associated content has been produced by Cooperatives for a Better World.
Our E-course may contain references or links to materials from third-parties. Reference to any third-party products, services, processes or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof, or any affiliation with us.
All content and courses presented herein have been collected and presented with the best knowledge and intent possible.
Combat the widening wealth gap by empowering global communities with ownership and voice in the businesses that shape their lives.
PO Box 5236
Manchester, NH 03108
Copyright © 2021 Cooperatives for a Better World. All Rights Reserved.